Erfan Daliri
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Anti-Racism Empowerment

Professional Development Training

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Erfan Daliri is Australia’s most sought-after and highly regarded anti-racism educator, with 20 years of experience in Multicultural Affairs, Settlement Services, Community Development, Racial Equity and Social Change Consulting

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Why Anti-Racism?

Racial Justice 101 Erfan Daliri Anti-Racism Training

Because racial inequity belongs in the past, and you want to learn how you can make a difference.

Racial Equity is a central principle required for all forms of positive social change and socioeconomic development. Whether we are working towards employment opportunity, economic justice, gender equality, climate action, or improving health, education or settlement outcomes, anti-racism is a core element of an effective approach.

The topic of race and racism can be challenging to discuss in professional settings, but it doesn’t need to be that way. Anti-Racism training can improve your capacity to not only discuss but also recognise and address systemic, structural, and interpersonal racism.

The various training modules provided by Erfan Daliri and the team at Kind Enterprises are all designed to build confidence and understanding so we can all get more involved in building a better world. Regardless of the industry or sector we work in, we all have a part to play in creating a more cohesive and inclusive society.

Kind Enterprises Anti-Racism training and consulting services will give you essential tools to discuss, dismantle, understand and address racism in whatever context you’re working in.

Learning Outcomes

Anti-Racism Training will prepare you to discuss and address racism with confidence and clarity and help you to empower others to also work towards building a more just, equitable, and inclusive society.

  • Gain the confidence to clearly discuss race and racism.

  • Learn to create more just and equitable workplaces.

  • Build social cohesion through mutual understanding.

  • Strengthen bonds of connection in your community and workplace.

  • Learn about the history of racism and how it still impacts us today.

  • Develop critical thinking and discourse analysis skills.

  • Build your Racial Literacy and Anti-Racism vocabulary.

  • Create a more engaging and inclusive workplace environment.

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- Select from a range of training programs
- Pick from live online or in-person facilitation
- Customise a program for your organisation
- Discuss our strategic consulting service options
- Complement with digital self-directed courses

How does it work?

  • Book a free consulting session with Erfan and the team

  • Discuss our program options and your organisation’s needs

  • Let us customise a bespoke training program for your team

  • Assess the impact analysis report and participant feedback

  • Decide how you’d like to continue your organisation’s anti-racism journey

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Course Outline

Our Anti-Racism professional development options are for all learning levels and will be customised to suit your specific needs.

Options include:

  • Content modification and customisation

  • Level of complexity adjustment

  • 90-minute to 4-hour training options

  • Online or face-to-face facilitation

  • Participant workbook and slides

  • Session recording for ongoing training

  • Pre a post-session survey for impact analysis



Kind Enterprises is a social enterprise working alongside employers, educators, and government departments to design strategies and professional development training for social cohesion and positive social impact.

Our team of expert consultants and facilitators each bring decades of experience in change management, community development, communication design, anti-racism, multicultural affairs and social change strategy, and that’s why we’re trusted by clients globally as their preferred provider for authentically impactful professional development training and consulting services.

To find our more about our services visit or email


Course Themes:

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Why we need this

Achieving a just, equitable and sustainable world requires an effective anti-racism movement that combines education and action.

Anti-Racism is the process of understanding how and why racism has impacted, and still impacts, our world, so that we can begin the important process of undoing the systems and structures that uphold it and actually live in a world where we are united as one race.

But, this cannot be achieved without you - and that’s where Racial Justice 101 comes in.


Are you ready to upskill yourself to become a more powerful agent of social change?

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About the Presenter

Erfan Daliri is an author, poet, social change trainer and consultant with a Masters in Communication for Social Change. He has 20 years of experience working with NGOs, community groups and government agencies in a diverse range of areas, including participatory development, cross-cultural communication, youth empowerment, education, mental health, settlement services, and social justice advocacy.

Erfan is the founding director of Newkind Social Justice Conference and programme coordinator of the National Unity in Diversity Conference. He also consults and advises on communication and project design for organisations such as Amnesty International and the Australian Red Cross.

He is particularly passionate about empowering organisations and communities to address issues of social, environmental and economic justice and to help them build a more inclusive, cohesive, sustainable and equitable society. His most recent book, Raising Humanity, discusses the underlying causes of socio-economic injustice and covers the themes of ecology and economy, resilience, resistance and what it takes to be an effective changemaker.


If you’d like to receive updates on future courses and Erfan’s work, click the button below to subscribe to his newsletter mailing list.

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This course empowers participants to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals #10 and #16.

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Start your Anti-Racism journey now


For students and educators alike we’ve created a list of good books, great articles, and helpful websites with knowledge on how we can build a world that is free of discrimination, prejudice and racism.


Some of our favourite short videos, TED Talks and lectures by inspirational and thought-leading individuals on topics of race unity, cultural diversity, equity, and inclusion.


This is our ‘People to Follow’ list with links to their socials and websites. Whether you’re after daily insta inspirations or weekly blog posts, this is our evolving list of changemaking contributors.

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